You need to be a member to watch this video. If you are a member please log in above. Learn more Kundalini Yoga Class 1094 Spinal flexes and sufi grind warm ups can be practised as preparation for the 30 minute session or as exercises by themselves. Both help to loosen and warm up the spine. Basic Amy Bisazza 10 min No Prop DownloadClick here to learn about watching videos offline on your mobile devicesPlease click this link to confirm you want to download this video. It will be taken from your monthly allownace.
lovely g THank you Amy. I was feeling a bit stiff in the arm this morning after my vaccination yesterday. this has realeased most of the tightness Lorna B
lovely g
THank you Amy. I was feeling a bit stiff in the arm this morning after my vaccination yesterday. this has realeased most of the tightness
Lorna B
Gabriela H
Was feeling a bit tight in m back and this really released it!
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