
Theres H

Challening but great. I also am a bit shaky for the transition to the side blank. Anoushka, you mention to turn the hand/fingers inward and then transition to the side. It feels weard to do the side blank with the supporting fingers pointing forward. The other side he had them pointing away from the feet. Is there a reason to point the fingers forward? See min 5:41 and then 6:20 to better understand what I mean. I definetly need to work on that regularly to have enough strength for a push up at the end! Great sequence - Thank you

Theres H

thanks for your reply Amit, that makes totally sence, the 2nd side just feels so much better and normal!

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Theres. Well done for taking this challenging class! :) I looked into your question and I would suggest not worrying about it too much... I am not sure Anoushka actually meant it... you can see the surprise on Mike's face and that he adjusts it a little bit... and then he does the other side "as usual" and Anoushka does not correct him. I think it is just one of those things that happen when you film and have SO many things to be mindful of at the same time ;)
Stay well

Cherry D

Definitely challenging but a great one to try and do regularly.

Cherry D

Definitely challenging but a great one to try and do regularly.

Rebecca E

It really helped to just watch the full 10 mins through before attempting. I agree a great workout for the upper body and some nice dynamic stretching for the back line. Need to practice my balance in side plank and my arms were a bit shaky to manage that last push up!

Amit - yoopod .

I agree Sharon. This class is short but VERY challenging for the arms and upper body and it takes time and practice to be able to perform all these moves in a sequence.

sharon c

Tough stuff!! Had to pause just to follow the moves,will practice,,,

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