
Harry N

Thank you Michaela I need to watch a few times could not quit get the breathing though the throat .
Kind regards

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Harry
Thanks for your comment. Please do practice this class a few more times until you feel comfortable with it and ready to progress.
As for breathing - you may find the below clip helpful.
Kind regards

Joanna M

Thanks for this class, it was a bit quick for me. One point I wasn't clear about is the bandas - the teacher says when to start doing a banda, but I wasn't clear when to stop. Is it that you keep a banda lock going through out the class?

Amit - yoopod .

Thanks for your comment Joanna. If you enjoyed the class I would suggest repeating it a number of times until you don't need to watch the screen for instructions and can only listen to her voice and practice comfortably with her. Keeping the Banda lock for a whole practice is probably impossible... you would start/stop throughout the class but over time the "start" will become second nature and the "stop" would be just a reduction in the lock rather than a complete release. I hope this makes sense. BW, Amit

Joanna F

There is no sound on this video - audio would be helpful!!

Amit - yoopod .

Hi Joanna
Sarah is right... all players these days start automatically on mute (because people use them a lot in public spaces) and then the user needs to actively un-mute it.
If you have any other tech issues please do drop us a line
BW Amit

Sarah A

The class has sound. Sometimes, on a device it starts muted and you need to unmute it.

Tom B

As a beginner to yoga in general, I found this too fast paced with too many new concepts being introduced in a short space of time. I was hopping all over the place before I'd even managed to get the hang of the breathing. Is there a different style of yoga I should try first to get used to the basic positions?

ellie S

Thank you for providing this level for me I am a complete beginner and was in need of this information I am going to follow the course x

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