We all know that Pilates is a great strength and balance training programme, but its effectiveness as a cardio workout is more debatable. To work in the cardiovascular zone, you must have a moderate to high intensity heart rate output for a minimum of 30 minutes. It is definitely possible to push into moderate cardio levels with Pilates mat classes especially if you are an experienced practitioner who can follow the more advanced and flowing classes without taking a break. But for people with less experience or those looking to get a more cardio-intense workout, a pre-Pilates cardio blast will help get your heart going and keep it beating hard during your Pilates class.
Try doing 20 to 30 minutes of cardio exercise right before your Pilates session to warm up your body and get your heart rate to the right level. Fast walking, jogging or cycling will all do the job (depending on your fitness level of course). As you fatigue, your heart rate will go up and stay up. Take a few minutes break and then start your Pilates session. You will find that your heart rate will go up again quickly and the workout will feel more cardio intense than usual.
As always- it is very important to not over do it, so make sure to build up your stamina gradually. Check how long a cardio session YOU can complete without losing your form, precision or concentration during your Pilates session. Increase the length of your cardio and Pilates sessions gradually and don’t give up easily. With consistency and determination you will feel the improvements over time and feel terrific during and after your workouts!