Early signs of possible relief to lock down restrictions are in the air. But, at the same time, it feels like we are still quite far from real return to “normality”. It is clear that we will be encouraged to stay home and maintain social distancing for a very long time and also that many of us will choose to stay home and avoid public transport and public spaces as much as possible.
As the idea of “temporary state of being” slowly shifts into being the “new norm”, it is very important to find our new balance in life. And as many of you must be feeling at the moment, the initial enthusiasm for working out from home is now being put to the test in many ways...
With that in mind, we thought it would be good to share with you a little “secret” that many of our members have discovered already - short workouts are great! They make all the difference!! We have been programmed to think that a workout should be 45-60 minutes long and as a result we end up missing on the opportunity to spend short bursts of quality time releasing tension, building up strength, improving flexibility and overall feeling better. And as the days and weeks go by, and we never find the elusive 45-60 minute time slot, we end up less and less motivated until we give up altogether :(
We can all find 10-20 minutes a few times a week for a short session. It can be a gentle class you do first thing in the morning or just before going to bed; a quick session to release tension from an achy body after sitting in a kitchen chair for many hours, or a vigorous short class that works out your whole body and leaves you feeling energised and motivated for more. And there is no need to keep changing the classes all the time! Find 3-5 classes that work for you, put them in your favourites and repeat them regularly. The best sports people and athletes in the world repeat the same drills over and over again on a daily basis. That is how you get great at what you are doing…
If Covid-19 has opened our eyes to anything, it must be that there is more than one way to do things! When needs must, we improvise, pull on our resources and find new ways to make the most out of a situation. Don’t let the coming weeks and months drag you down. Use them as an opportunity to reinvent how you stay well, fit and balanced. We have no doubt you will feel good for investing in your well-being!
Please take good care of yourself and stay safe, well, strong and centred!
The yoopod team